Akimov Comedy
Today, the Akimov Comedy Theatre in Saint Petersburg is one of the most favorite places of the city's public. It is located in the very heart of Saint Petersburg, at 56 Nevsky Prospekt.
The building housing the theatre was constructed in 1901-1903 by architect G. Baranovsky for G. Eliseev, a famous wine merchant. This building even today, in addition to the theatre, houses one of the oldest grocery stores in Saint Petersburg.
The theatre of satire, then renamed the theatre of comedy, was open in 1926. The first years were not successful, and the theatre was on the verge of closing before Nikolai Akimov became its director in 1935. Akimov started to work in cooperation with young talented actors, directors, and decorators. Soon the theatre returned to life.
The repertoire of the Akimov Comedy Theatre includes both classic and modern plays. If you like O. Wilde, M. Bulgakov, D. Kilty and others, the theatre can offer you plenty of plays based on their works.